Author name: Connie Jackson

Holidays Act – could change finally be on the horizon?

Earlier this week the Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke Van Velden gave a speech to the Auckland Business Chamber, reiterating her priorities following the conclusion of the Government’s 100-day plan in which Fair Pay Agreements were abolished, and the availability of 90 day trial periods extended to all new employees. The Minister has confirmed …

Holidays Act – could change finally be on the horizon? Read More »

Buying property with family – fun or potential fiasco?

In the present economic climate, getting into (or climbing) the property ladder is tough. To get a deal across the line, purchasers are increasingly looking to alternative ownership options. One such option we commonly see is ‘co-ownership’ of property between family members. Taking matters a step further than the traditional parental guarantee of a child’s …

Buying property with family – fun or potential fiasco? Read More »

A step forward for climate change – Smith v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited

On 7 February 2024 the Supreme Court released its decision in Smith v Fonterra and unanimously agreed to not strike out Mr Smith’s claims against seven of New Zealand’s largest green house gas (GHG) emitting companies. The threshold to strike out a claim is high and requires that there be no reasonably arguable claim.  Like …

A step forward for climate change – Smith v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited Read More »

The Emissions Trading Scheme review was scrapped – what’s happening with forestry?

Last year, the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) was brought under the spotlight after a High Court hearing and Labour government led review. We have previously explained the ETS here.  The ETS is governed by the Climate Change Response Act 2002 (the Act), putting a price on carbon emissions which certain industries must participate …

The Emissions Trading Scheme review was scrapped – what’s happening with forestry? Read More »

Using Chat GPT in the workplace – what you need to know

The use of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) in the workplace is likely to become increasingly common as technologies advance and benefits become proven and trusted. One AI development that looks set to be eagerly embraced by business is the generative pre-trained transformer model designed by developer OpenAI and used in its Chat GPT product (as well …

Using Chat GPT in the workplace – what you need to know Read More »

Back from the ashes – the return of the Resource Management Act 1991

The coalition government has followed through on its promise to repeal the Natural and Built Environment Act 2023 (NBA) and the Spatial Planning Act 2023 (SPA) before Christmas. On 19 December 2023 the Resource Management (Natural and Built Environment and Spatial Planning Repeal and Interim Fast-track Consenting) Bill (Repeal Bill) was introduced to Parliament under …

Back from the ashes – the return of the Resource Management Act 1991 Read More »

Understanding your obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993

The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) provides a consumer with remedies if a business has failed to provide them with goods or services to a reasonable standard, regardless of whether the consumer has a written warranty or guarantee from the supplier or manufacturer. The CGA is intended to foster a trading environment in which consumer’s …

Understanding your obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 Read More »

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