Author name: hobec_managewp

More Essential Freshwater Reforms: Freshwater Farm Plans

The Government has proposed new regulations for freshwater farm plans. These regulations form part of the Government’s Essential Freshwater reforms, which are intended to achieve the following objectives: halt further degradation of waterways; make material improvement in the health of waterways within five years; and restore degraded waterways within a generation. The Essential Freshwater reforms …

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New Directions and New Name for Resource Management

The Government has released an ‘exposure draft’ of the National Built Environments Act (NBA), intended to replace the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) which has, for many years, been held responsible by developers and environmentalists alike for failing to adequately and effectively manage our natural resources. The release of the exposure draft is a novel …

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Precedent-setting case granting Customary Marine Title

The first major ruling under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 (“the Act”) was released by the High Court on Friday 7 May 2021, representing an important milestone for iwi claims to customary marine title and protected customary rights to the coastal marine area in New Zealand. The Act was brought into …

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If you can’t see the Redwood for the trees, our new partner can.

Congratulations to Holland Beckett Law’s newest partner, James McDougall, who leads the Rotorua office. If you’ve gone off-track, legally speaking, you’ll need an invested local who knows their way round all the trails to get you out. James is just the man. He is an experienced litigator in Court and tribunals and advises clients on …

If you can’t see the Redwood for the trees, our new partner can. Read More »

Cartel Behaviour

A change to the Commerce Act makes cartel behaviour a criminal offence, with the risk of up to seven years’ imprisonment. What is a cartel and how can businesses avoid engaging in cartel behaviour, intentionally or accidentally (this includes small to medium businesses, not just those big corporates).  For those unfamiliar, what is the definition of …

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Resource Management Reform

On 10 February 2021, Minister for the Environment, David Parker, announced that the Resource Management Act 1991 (“RMA”) will be repealed and replaced with three new Acts by the end of 2022. These are the: Natural and Built Environments Act; Strategic Planning Act; and Climate Change Adaptation Act. These new acts seek to improve the …

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COVID-19 and minimum wage obligations – the latest from the Employment Court

Gate Gourmet New Zealand Ltd v Sandhu [2020] NZEmpC 237 deals with employment rights and obligations arising during the COVID-19 lockdown. The key issue was whether an Employer was obligated to pay employees the minimum wage if they were not working due to partial business closure, but were “ready, willing and able” to do so. …

COVID-19 and minimum wage obligations – the latest from the Employment Court Read More »

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