Author name: hobec_managewp

National Policy Statement on Urban Development

National Policy Statement on Urban Development: one of four public consultations opened this month The month of August has seen a flurry of activity coming from the Ministry for the Environment, with its proposed National Policy Statement (NPS) on Urban Development being released hot on the heels of the proposed NPS for Highly Productive Land. …

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Comprehensive overhaul of Resource Management Act underway

The Government launched yesterday its overhaul of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) which, as described by Hon David Parker, “takes too long, costs too much and has not protected the environment”. The need had been highlighted by a reform project initiated by the Environmental Defence Society. Parker stressed that “if, with all our advantages, …

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Productivity Commission inquiry: Local government funding and financing

The Productivity Commission, an independent Crown entity, has released its draft report on local government funding and financing following the Government’s request for the Commission to undertake an inquiry. The report runs to just under 300 pages, and includes useful context for the review, as well as high level analysis of trends in local government …

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Family Dispute Resolution for non-urgent parenting disputes

What is FDR? Family Dispute Resolution (“FDR”) is a mediation service, designed to help separated couples and their families resolve disagreements regarding care of children. Attempting FDR is usually a mandatory pre-requisite before you can apply for a parenting or guardianship order in the Family Court. There are limited exceptions to this. For example, FDR …

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Where there’s a Will there’s a way

People making a Will normally think that they can do what they want with their own property. Since this is true for people during their lifetime, many are surprised to learn that their Wills can be challenged after their death if they do not meet certain requirements. This article talks about the main ways that …

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National Planning Standards

The first set of National Planning Standards came into force on Friday 3 May 2019. These standards were released by the Minister for the Environment to improve the consistency of council plans and policy statements. Specifically, the standards set nationally consistent structure, format, definitions, noise and vibration metrics, and electronic functionality and accessibility requirements for …

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