Author name: hobec_managewp

Papakāinga development

Papakāinga development – turning aspiration into reality This article was published in the November 2014 edition of the Resource Management Journal. Introduction The recently announced Māori Housing Strategy cites planning restrictions as a key aspect of why Māori are under-represented in housing ownership. This article explores the increasing push by tāngata whenua for papakāinga housing …

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Resource consent – property in all but name

Section 122(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) states that a resource consent is neither real nor personal property.  However, resource consents are often treated as property given that a resource consent is inherently valuable to the consent holder.  This is commonly witnessed in the practice of resource consents being bought, sold and leased …

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Holland Beckett Lawyers support Tauranga Schools with books

T is for Tauranga is a fun, education based book that takes children on a geographical “treasure hunt” throughout the Tauranga area, introducing them to local history and other fun facts along the way. We have selected 9 different schools to receive one hundred copies of the book.  The schools will retain at least one …

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Holland Beckett Lawyers are proud of their history in Tauranga

In 1937 King George V1 was crowned after the abdication of Edward, Amelia Earhart disappeared over the Pacific during her attempt to fly round the world, San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge was opened, the Royal NZ Air force originated and Holland Beckett Lawyers were established. A year earlier in 1936 William Sydney (Bill) Holland, recently …

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