Author name: hobec_managewp

Are the benefits worth the costs in the Employment Relations Authority?

Good employment relationships are central to a business’s success. However, sometimes these relationships break down. When this happens, the parties may be able to resolve the problem between themselves or at mediation. Where a matter cannot be resolved informally, or urgent relief is required, either party may refer the matter to the Employment Relations Authority …

Are the benefits worth the costs in the Employment Relations Authority? Read More »

Restructures and redundancy – getting it right

COVID-19 has placed unprecedented stress upon businesses and employers across New Zealand. While some are struggling to fill roles, others are discovering that they need to restructure to reduce costs, or operate more efficiently. Businesses are able to change their structuring as is commercially necessary. In doing so they need to ensure that their restructure …

Restructures and redundancy – getting it right Read More »

Charged with drink driving – what now?

Excess Breath Alcohol In New Zealand, drink driving is known as driving with excess breath/blood alcohol, or an EBA offence. The penalties that apply to EBA offences vary depending on the age of the offender, the level of breath/blood alcohol detected, and whether there has been previous offending of the same or a similar kind. …

Charged with drink driving – what now? Read More »

Exposure Draft – National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity

The Ministry for the Environment has released an exposure draft of the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB). The draft NPSIB was amended following a public consultation process held between November 2019 and March 2020, during which over 7000 submissions were lodged. It provides national direction for maintaining and protecting indigenous biodiversity, and contains …

Exposure Draft – National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity Read More »

Self-identification of sex simplified through the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill

On 9 December 2021, the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Bill (“Bill”) was unanimously passed by Parliament. This Bill means that those who do not identify with the sex assigned to them at birth are able to correct this themselves far more easily. Self identification of sex process Currently, the process for changing the …

Self-identification of sex simplified through the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill Read More »

Amendments to the Unit Titles Act and Regulations: What managers need to know

The amendments to the Unit Titles Act 2010 and Unit Titles Regulations 2011 bring about many significant changes for body corporate managers. These amendments were designed to improve the transparency and accountability of bodies corporate in their day-to-day running, ensure that potential buyers of unit titles obtain appropriate information from a vendor, establish professional standards …

Amendments to the Unit Titles Act and Regulations: What managers need to know Read More »

Amendments to the Unit Titles Act and Regulations: What owners need to know

After much delay and consideration, amendment of the Unit Titles Act 2010 and associated regulations have been approved. The amendments modify the law in many significant ways. These amendments were designed to improve the transparency and accountability of bodies corporate in their day-to-day running, ensure that potential buyers of unit titles obtain appropriate information from …

Amendments to the Unit Titles Act and Regulations: What owners need to know Read More »

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