Corporate & Finance

What your Directors and Officers Insurance doesn’t cover

Recent high profile prosecutions under the Health & Safety at Work Act (HSWA) have highlighted limitations of standard insurance cover for corporate directors and officers. Specifically, where criminal prosecutions may result in extensive defence costs for targeted directors or officers.  Typical directors and officers (D&O) insurance will not cover defence costs where the prosecution is …

What your Directors and Officers Insurance doesn’t cover Read More »

The value of Limited Partnerships in commercial property investment

We were recently asked by PMG Funds (PMG) to share our expertise on limited partnerships (LPs) for commercial property investments. As a fund manager, PMG aim to structure each of their funds to maximise benefits for investors. Some of PMG’s wholesale funds are structured as LPs. The LP structure enables them to simplify how they …

The value of Limited Partnerships in commercial property investment Read More »

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