Trusts, Asset Protection & Estate Planning

When your relationship changes, what happens to your Will?

Married? Separated? Somewhere in between? Your relationship status changes the validity, or otherwise, of your Will. So too does the death of a former partner. Read on to find out what you need to do, and when, to ensure you protect your assets. Defacto Entering into a new relationship (not formalised by marriage) does not …

When your relationship changes, what happens to your Will? Read More »

Retirement Villages – What you need to know

Buying into a retirement village is a decision that many people consider as part of their retirement planning.  Like all decisions of this size, it’s one that require careful consideration. In the majority of situations when moving into a Village, it will involve signing an Occupation Right Agreement (ORA) with the retirement village. An ORA sets …

Retirement Villages – What you need to know Read More »

Update on trust law – can a trustee consider settlor wishes or other trust benefits?

Trustees and beneficiaries of trusts should be aware of a recent court decision, which clarifies two factors that trustees can take into account when deciding whether to distribute trust assets. In December 2021, the Court of Appeal’s decision in Kain v Public Trust [2021] NZCA 685 has given trustees some guidance on whether two types …

Update on trust law – can a trustee consider settlor wishes or other trust benefits? Read More »


持久授权书 我们中的许多人都考虑过为死后做准备。但是,如果您失去自己做决定或妥善照顾自己的能力,会发生什么?拥有持久授权书 (EPA) 可以确保其他人能够介入并代表您在财产,个人医疗和福利方面行事。 什么是持久授权书? 持久授权书赋予您指任的授权人(例如家人或朋友)代理您做决定的能力。您的授权人必须以您的最佳利益行事,并尽可能地让您参与决策。 EPA 有两种类型: 1. 财产:您在EPA 中指定的授权人(或多名授权人)可以代理您管理资产和财务。您可以指定一名以上的授权人并指认他们是否必须共同行事或单独行事。您还可以选择EPA 立即生效,还是仅在您不再具备心智能力时生效。 2. 个人医疗和福利:您可以指任授权人在您的个人医疗和福利方面做出决定,例如确保您有适当的生活护理和医疗安排。 EPA 仅在医生证明您不再具有心智能力时才生效。 对于两种类型的持久授权书,如果您指定的第一位授权人无法履行职责,您可以指定继任授权人行事。您还可以要求您的授权人咨询您在EPA 中指定的其他人或向其提供信息。 家庭法院负责监督与 EPA 相关的事务,并审查您的授权人为您行使 EPA 时做出的任何决定。 如果我没有 EPA 怎么办? 如果您失去了自己做决定的能力,或许再也无法管理自己的事务。比如说您可能无法出售房屋、管理银行账户或做出有关健康,生活安排或相关医疗护理的重要决定。 如果发生这种情况的时候,再签署 EPA 已为时已晚。只能由其他人,例如亲戚、社会工作者或医生,向家庭法院申请一名指定人为您做决策(我们称其为福利监护人和财产管理人)。与 EPA 下的授权人不同,福利监护人或财产经理必须至少每 3 年向家庭法院申请审核他们的任命权。 因此,建立 EPA 可以帮您的家人减少申请家庭法院授权的一系列费用并减轻压力。 我如何获得 EPA? 仔细考虑您想任命的授权人(或多名授权人),以及是否希望有其他人监督您的授权人。最重要的是您要任命一位您信任,会理解并尊重您意愿的,也会为您做重要决定的人。 然后,您需要联系律师或其他有权限的人来帮助您创建 EPA。您可以通过联系或 致电07 578 2199 来Holland Beckett Law 寻求帮助。

New Trusts Act 2019 – What Trustees Need to Know for 2021

The long-awaited Trusts Act 2019 (Act) has arrived! The Act aims to update trust law and make the law accessible to all (not just lawyers). The Act will come into force on 30 January 2021, and will then apply to all existing written trusts, as well as any new written trusts established. It could also …

New Trusts Act 2019 – What Trustees Need to Know for 2021 Read More »

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