Trusts, Asset Protection & Estate Planning

Holland Beckett provides a comprehensive asset protection and estate planning service for clients. Our Succession and Estates team will help you plan for the future and give you the peace of mind you are looking for.

Both businesses and individuals can find their assets threatened by unexpected changes in circumstances. These changes can cause complex legal issues which could be avoided or minimised through proper asset structuring such as the use of trusts or pre-nuptial agreements.

It is also important to consider what happens if you become seriously ill or pass away. If this happens to you and you have not planned properly for the future, decisions about your affairs will be made by someone else – and those decisions may not reflect your wishes.

If you have an estate or Will query, please contact our Succession and Estates team on

Our Experience Includes:

  • Wills (including international Wills) 
  • Living Wills (specifying medical treatments you would/would not like in the event you cannot communicate) 
  • Family Trusts 
  • Charitable Trusts 
  • Advice to trustees 
  • Resettlement of assets into Trust structures 
  • Winding up of Trusts
  • Independent trustee services 
  • Forgiveness of debt and gifting programmes 
  • Powers of Attorney 
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney 
  • Relationship Property 
  • Contracting Out Agreement/Pre-nuptial Agreements 
  • Relationship Property Agreements/Separation Agreements 
  • Applying for Property and Personal Care Orders for someone who has lost capacity 
  • Retirement Villages and Rest Homes 
  • Residential Care Subsidy Applications 
  • Maximisation of government subsidies and other benefits 

Our Trusts, Asset Protection & Estate Planning Team

Online Tools

We provide an obligation free online tool to provide you with further information based on your specific circumstances.

Relationship Property Agreement or Contracting Out Agreement (Pre Nup)

The Simple Way to Get a Will with Holland Beckett

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