Reverse Mortgages

Property Law
Jun 03 2024
A reverse mortgage is a loan for people over 60 years of age that allows them to access equity in their property in order to release cash to them.

We see plenty of clients that have benefitted from these loans in allowing them to e.g. fund necessary improvements or maintenance to their property to enable them to stay in their own home longer or for other purposes such as a more comfortable retirement in light of the increasing costs of living.

The key attraction of a reverse mortgage loan is that you don’t need to make regular repayments, and generally repayments can be made at any time without penalty. Instead, they service the interest every week, the interest is just added to the loan balance and accumulates. Your total loan is repayable upon what is commonly called a ‘payment event’, which is where you may sell your property, move into a retirement village or upon your death. There is a limited ability to transfer the loan to another property if you move.

Interest rates are generally higher than standard registered bank loans and borrowers need to understand the implications of these higher rates. In the current market, property values are not increasing as fast as they have in the past so the equity in your home could be depleted too fast given there are no increasing property values to offset losses.

Due to the accumulation of interest at a higher rate, if you wish to sell your house and purchase a new house, or move into a retirement village in future, this may be more difficult to achieve as the equity you have left in your property may have reduced to an insufficient sum necessary for the subsequent purchase.

Nevertheless, reverse mortgages can be an appropriate way of making funds available to you. The additional funds can support living expenses, healthcare costs or other needs. We are commonly instructed by banks to provide legal advice regarding these loans. Following our advice, our work involves discharging any existing mortgage, registering your new reverse mortgage and attending to any estate matters which may arise as part of our discussion.

If you require any legal assistance on a reverse mortgage, please get in touch.

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