Clearing the pathway for consenting on highly productive land

Environment & Planning
Renewable Energy & Climate Change
Aug 23 2024
Recent amendments to the NPS-HPL include clearing the pathway for consenting specified infrastructure, greenhouses and indoor primary production on highly productive land.

There is now a clear consenting pathway for development of specified infrastructure (e.g. renewable energy), greenhouses and intensive indoor primary production on highly productive land (HPL) following recent amendments to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL).

We had previously discussed the issues and proposed amendments to the NPS-HPL identified by the Ministry and Minister for the Environment in a previous article from October last year (linked here). Following consultation and submitter feedback, the Minister for the Environment has this month made changes to the NPS-HPL that we anticipate will better enable development of intensive primary production, greenhouse activities, and specified infrastructure on HPL.

The NPS-HPL sets strict standards for how HPL can be used and essentially provides that any use or development of HPL must be avoided unless such use or activity falls within one of the limited exceptions. After the NPS-HPL came into effect some renewable electricity generators and representatives from the food production sector raised concerns that it placed undue restrictions on development of activities that may have a need to be located on HPL. The two key issues identified by these parties were:

  1. The lack of clarity in the consenting pathway for new specified infrastructure on HPL, as notably no express provision for the construction of this type of infrastructure was provided for in the NPS-HPL. Specified infrastructure includes (but is not limited to) renewable electricity infrastructure; and
  2. The absence of a clear consenting pathway for developing and relocating intensive indoor primary production and greenhouses on HPL.

The following changes have been made to the NPS-HPL to address these concerns:

  1. Amendments to cl 3.9(2)(j)(i) NPS-HPL that will better enable the development of new specified infrastructure on HPL. Clause 3.9(2)(j)(i) NPS-HPL has been varied to now provide that the development, operation or decommissioning of specified infrastructure, including (but not limited to) construction, maintenance, upgrade, expansion, replacement or removal may be undertaken on HPL if certain requirements set out in the NPS-HPL are met.
  2. Inclusion of a subclause that better enables development on HPL where such development provides for either ‘intensive indoor primary production’ or ‘greenhouse activities’ (cl 3.9(2)(aa)). Definitions for ‘intensive indoor primary production’ and ‘greenhouse activities’ are now also included in cl 1.3 NPS-HPL.

These amendments provide a clear consenting pathway for development of specified infrastructure, greenhouses and intensive indoor primary production on HPL. If you have any questions regarding the NPS-HPL, or what these recent changes may mean for your or your business, please feel free to contact us.

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