I am the executor named in a Will, now what?
If you have been appointed as an executor of a Will, then when that person dies you are responsible for administering their estate and carrying out their wishes according to the Will.
An executor’s role can be very straightforward, or it can be fraught with conflict. Read on to find out how to deal with all potential eventualities.
Some key responsibilities include:
Find and locate the Will;
Understand the asset pool of the Willmaker eg. where they bank, do they own any vehicles or property;
Do you know the immediate family of the Willmaker and those who should be notified;
Make any relevant and important decisions in respect of the estate;
Manage all decisions and disagreements around the estate.
Locating the Will and understanding the terms
You should locate the original Will and ensure you understand its terms, for example, what happens if a beneficiary has passed away or if the beneficiaries are still minors. The estate’s lawyer can assist with any interpretation issues.
It is very important that you keep the Will in a safe place and do not alter or mark it in any way.
Identifying assets and liabilities of the estate
You must identify the assets and liabilities of the estate such as bank accounts, property, insurance, shares, income streams and debt.
If the estate has an asset worth more than $15,000, then you must engage an estate lawyer and apply for probate. Probate gives you, as executor, authority to deal with the assets of the estate.
Applying for probate
The Court ensures that an estate is not left unadministered where an executor refuses or neglects to carry out their duties. If you fail to apply for probate within three months from the death of the Willmaker, any other executor, or any other person interested in the estate, can make an application to Court to be appointed as your replacement. The Court will give you the opportunity to respond, or to formally step down. If the Court does not hear from you, then an alternative executor will be appointed by Court order.
The Court has the power to remove you and appoint a replacement. For example, there may be conflict issues between you and another executor, or a family member, or other interested person might take issue with your appointment. This will involve a Court hearing if you wish to defend your position, or you do not reach an agreement to step down. Often the appointment of an independent person can resolve conflict issues.
Securing and insuring property
Any assets should be secured so far as possible. For example, if there is a property, you should check who has access to keys, that the insurance is up to date and that any expenses (such as rates, water and power) are up to date.
Notifying relevant parties
You or the estate’s lawyer should notify relevant providers of the passing, such as the estate’s bank, insurer, WINZ (if a benefit was being received), IRD and any other asset providers or debtors.
You must also notify the beneficiaries of the Will and make relevant disclosures to them. Your estate’s lawyer can assist with this.
Risks facing executors
Potential arguments can arise between family members who may be unhappy with the terms of the Will. The Court can become involved where an interested party makes a claim on the estate. As executor, you are named as a party to the claim and are required to participate in the Court process. You are under a duty to take into account the interests of potential claimants on an estate and therefore can be held personally liable to the beneficiaries or potential claimants for distributions made within six months from the grant of probate. Due to this potential liability, it is strongly advised that the estate’s assets are generally not distributed until the expiry of six months. In practise, estates can take several years to distribute.
Before making distributions, you should seek advice from your estate’s lawyer to ensure you are not exposing yourself to undue risk. You also should take advice as to how to manage any conflict between the beneficiaries and how to deal with potential claims. The Court of Appeal has confirmed that an executor must be even-handed when dealing with beneficiaries/claimants and must not actively or dishonestly conceal relevant information about the estate.
As executor, you are required to act with neutrality and independence, while doing your best to follow the wishes of the Willmaker. You can attempt to reach agreement with all beneficiaries as to how assets are to be distributed, but if there is no agreement it will be for a Court to decide.
Although uncommon, you may also be required to act on the interests of minor children or mentally disabled persons who are otherwise entitled to make a claim.
When all estate administration steps are complete and the executor is holding the assets ready to distribute, they become a trustee similar to a trustee of a family trust with duties and obligations under the Trusts Act 2019. Often this period of trusteeship is short, as the Will stipulates distribution out to beneficiaries. The trustee’s role can continue depending on the wording of the Will.
Executor expenses
In New Zealand, the general rule is that an executor cannot charge for their time unless there is a specific clause in the Will allowing them to do so. However, executors are entitled to reimbursement for their reasonably incurred expenses. This could include if you were to pay the insurance for an estate property or a rates bill to avoid a late fee.
Executor’s decision making
Executors are appointed by the Willmaker to carry out their intentions. It is important to always consider the intention and wording of the Will before making any decisions. Those close to the deceased will want to be involved in any decisions and this should be welcomed. The executor will work as a neutral person making sure that the wishes of the deceased are upheld eg. if they want to be cremated making sure that this is done, or the specific bequests are carried out.
Where there are intimate decisions that need to be made eg. where to bury the body and the Will will not necessarily specify this – it is the role of the executor to facilitate discussions and agreement between the whānau.
Can I get out of it?
If you are unable or unwilling to be an executor, the next nominated person in the Will can be appointed. You will need to renounce before you take any steps to administer the estate.
If you have accepted the role as executor and the estate administration is ongoing, you cannot simply retire, but rather you have to apply to the Court to be removed (and replaced if required).
The role as executor will continue for a long period of time, for example where the estate holds a property and a beneficiary has a life interest to live in it, or there are minor children not due to receive their inheritance until a certain age. If this is the case and you no longer want to be an executor, then provided the estate administration steps have been completed (gathering of assets, paying debts), then it is possible for an executor, who is now technically a trustee of the estate, to retire and another to be appointed by Deed rather than involving the Court. Frequently we see executors retire in this situation and an independent trustee or trustee company is appointed to continue the ongoing management of the estate and manage the obligations to beneficiaries.
What is a Statement to Accompany a Will or a Memorandum of Wishes and should I read it
A Statement to Accompany a Will is a statement made by the Willmaker explaining any decisions made in the Will. It provides more of an understanding around what the intention of the Willmaker was at the time of drafting and signing the Will.
The Memorandum of Wishes is similar to the Statement whereby it gives the executor or trustees further instructions with the Will and helps give insight into what decisions they want to be made. Neither of these documents are legally binding, however, it is useful to read them and consider what they are wanting to achieve.
How to get important information
The best way an executor can obtain information about the Willmaker’s assets and liabilities would be before death. If you find yourself aware that you are an executor of an estate, have a conversation with the Willmaker. Where do they keep their bank statements or passcodes if you need to locate them, who is the property insured with? Make sure that if there are any updates that you are aware of these.
It pays to have an updated Will, necessary statements or instructions for the executor and to have regular conversations about what you would like to have happen when you die.
Talk to our succession and estates team about your options and to obtain the right advice for you.