Mizba Jabbar



  • LLB, University of Waikato 2019
  • Admitted to the Bar in New Zealand 2020
  • BSc, University of Westminster UK 2000



Mizba is a Solicitor in our Employment law team.

Mizba was born and raised in London, England. After completing a degree in psychological sciences at the University of Westminster she pursued a career in advocacy and disability rights.

In 2011, Mizba settled in New Zealand with her young family. She completed her Bachelor of Laws through the University of Waikato and was admitted to the Bar in New Zealand in 2020. Mizba assists in all areas of employment law including restructuring, redundancy, medical incapacity, disciplinary process, responding to personal greivances and preparing employment and contactor agreements.

Before joining Holland Beckett, Mizba worked in the employment team at a local boutique law firm in Tauranga. She has also worked as a Labour Inspector with the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment, monitoring and enforcing employer compliance with minimum employment entitlement and employment standards, giving her a unique insight into the employment space.

Outside of work, Mizba enjoys spending time with her family and exploring the Bay of Plenty.

Mizba Jabbar's Expertise

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