How can I challenge a Will?

Estate Administration
Sep 08 2022

If you feel like you haven’t been properly provided for by a close family member or friend, you are able to apply to the Court for this to be changed. This can be done in a number of ways, but the two main laws are the Family Protection Act 1955 (FPA) and the Law Reform (Testamentary Promises) Act 1949 (TPA).

Who is eligible to make a claim?

Under the FPA, spouses, civil union partners and de facto partners of the deceased are all eligible to claim. Children, grandchildren and step children who were being wholly or partly supported are also able to claim. Parents of the deceased are only able to claim in limited circumstances.

Under the TPA, any person who has been promised provision under the will can make a claim. However, claims usually come from relations not provided for under the FPA, or close family friends.

Is there a time limit on making a claim?

Under both the FPA and the TPA, you have 12 months to lodge a claim. However, we recommend that you file a claim as soon as possible to make sure that all of the Estate assets are available.

How can I claim under the FPA?

The FPA gives specified family members the right to apply for provision out of a family member’s estate. The purpose is to ensure that family members receive their fair share of an estate and are adequately provided for by the deceased. This is because the FPA creates a moral duty, for example from a parent to a child.

If you make a claim, the Court will consider whether adequate and proper provision has been made for your maintenance and support. This means the Court will consider factors such as the relationship between you and the deceased, the size of the estate, your financial need, and any ethical elements such as your right to feel a sense of belonging to the family.. A claimant in need (whether financial or otherwise) will have a stronger claim.

How can I claim under the TPA?

Under this Act you will need to prove that the deceased made you an “express” or “implied” promise of reward for the work you did. If this is proven, then the estate will have an obligation to make a reasonable award to you.

To succeed in a claim under the TPA, a person must show that:

  • Services or work were rendered by you to the deceased in the deceased’s lifetime;
  • There was a promise from the deceased to you in reward for the services;
  • There is a connection between the services rendered and the promise; and
  • The deceased failed to make the promised testamentary provision or otherwise remunerate you.

The term “services” essentially means work. It has been given a broad definition by the Courts, and includes physical work and even emotional support where it goes above and beyond what would usually be expected.

A “promise” means any statement or representation of fact or intention. The promise can be expressly made, or it can be implied. Unfortunately, these sorts of claims can be difficult to prove. If there is information to support a promise being made (ie. some evidence in writing), or other witnesses who heard the promise being made, this will help with proving the claim.

The Law Commission has recently reviewed succession law, and has recommended a new Inheritance Act to replace these Acts. This reform is expected to take several years, so it will be some time before we see any changes.

There are a few things to think about in relation to your Will.  Try our Will questionnaire here, and one of our Estate Planning Team will be in touch.

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